There is nothing sexier than a group of hot women that love to arm wrestle and show off how strong they are. There is also a group of slaves that are going to watch, because they are hoping that they will be able to impress the women into becoming submissive to them. These women are all very strong and powerful, so becoming their slave is not an easy task.
Sally is a mistress that has wonderful skills when it comes time to get brutal with the slave. She is going to not only humiliate her slave, but she also has plans to wrestle him to the ground. She enjoys making him feel extremely defeated and bruising his ego is something else that she enjoys immensely. She will continue to humiliate him and verbally assault him on a regular basis.
This beautiful mistress has wonderful dark hair and she also has a very sexy body. The other thing that most slaves do not realize is that she is quite dominant and she also can be very abusive. She has the ability to show a slave just how powerful she can be, and she also knows how to inflict a great deal of pain. She loves wrestling all of her slaves.
The wonderful thing about a slave is the fact that most of them know their place. Steve is a seasoned veteran slave that knows that no matter what he is always supposed to let his mistress win, even if he is not fond of her. His mistress is going to put him in quite a few painful moves, but he does not mind. He knows his place with her is to be submissive.
The wonderful thing about watching this lovely mistress wrestle with her slave is the fact that she is so strong. She is going to get her slave on the ground, and she is going to put him in a fairly tight headlock. She wants him to feel how strong she is, so the next time he thinks he is going to mouth off, she will put him in his place.
Beautiful women are always going to have a wonderful time together, especially when they are training for wrestling and fighting. These two sexy girls are going to train, because their plan is to make sure when it is time to throw out a really hard-core kick or if they decide they want to implement legs scissors into their work out or abuse of the slave, they can.
This lovely mistress is going to walk into her home and realize that one of her submissive slaves has entered without permission. Instead of calling the police or doing anything like that, she is going to beat him up. She is going to completely kick the living shit out of him and let him know that this type of behavior is not appropriate. She loves to be very abusive and she also hates men.
One of the best things about a mistress like this, is the fact that she is really dirty when she wrestles. She likes to wrestle a slave and let him feel as though he might win, but really she is just planning to brutalize him even more. She is going to also make a slave get on the ground after wrestling and clean her dirty shoes and feet. She loves to be dominant.
When this mistress decides it is time to wrestle, she is going to make sure that she gets really down and dirty with all of her slaves. She enjoys taking her time to make sure that each one of her slaves feels a great deal of pain when they are being dominated by her. She does not care that they are begging her to stop, because they are just slaves.
A powerful mistress is going to take Steve and put him in a very nasty old. Steve is used to being brutalized by powerful mistresses and he also is used to being quite submissive. This mistress is going to make sure that he feels a great deal of pain, and that he also is in a headlock that he is unable to get out of. She likes to humiliate Steve.