Tomiko decides she's going to teach Steve a painful lesson. He should never talk back to a beautiful and powerful woman like her. Tomiko puts him into some painful holds and shows him no mercy. She doesn't care if he's in pain or turning red he's going to pay the price. She contorts his body anyway she feels like and he's powerless to stop him. This guy gets totally humiliated.
Carina and Nadine want to see who's the strongest between the two of them. They decide to hold a little competition on the matter. And wow do they really go at it. You watch them arm wrestle intensely. They wrestle each other viciously and leg wrestler. They'll even have a tug of war fighting to make sure they don't lose. Watch all of this great intense and female on female action.
This poor bastard has no idea what he's getting into. He's about to get his ass kicked by this gorgeous woman. She will show him no mercy as she puts him multiple holds. She performs a perfect arm bar to get things going. She also throws him into a nice headlock chocking the life out of him. If that's not enough she puts him in a scissor choke. How much can he handle.
Andrea and Jennifer are going at it pretty hard, but Andrea takes her down within 5 minutes. Then Andrea gets serious tying Jennifer's wrists behind her back and inflicting pain. Powerless Jennifer has take all the punishment from Andrea. She'll get choked out and amongst other things as Andrea won't let up. Jennifer freaks out because she has no idea what's in store for her. How bad will it get?
Here's your chance to watch Kristina demonstrate some serious moves. She'll walk you through a series of hold on that pathetic bastard. Not only will you learn the moves yourself but you'll watch as that poor guy is forced to submit every time. He's powerless as she kicks his ass over and over again. She will show him no mercy at all as she demonstrates all these holds for you.
Watch as this pathetic loser get taken down by this strong beauty. She will show him no mercy as she crushes his arm. He can scream out as much as he wants but it won't stop her from pulling his arm more. Increasing the pain as he screams out like a little school girl. She has her way with him putting him in an arm bar whenever she feels like it.
Ariana hates when her mail is late. It happens over and over again and she's tired of it. She decides to teach her postman a lesson he won't forget. She pulls his arms back viciously. She throws him into a camel clutch and pulls him into a body stretch. She doesn't care how much pain he's in. He's going to learn not to fuck with her mail or else.
This mistress is a sadist. She loves seeing men in pain. She took advantage of her slave and kicked him and trampled him brutally
A slave is going to learn that wrestling with his mistress is a very difficult task. She is very strong and powerful, therefore she is going to really dominate him. He has no choice but to submit to all of her powerful mixed martial arts moves, because she is going to win and enjoy victory no matter what. She even puts him in a painful headlock to prove her point.
There's nothing sexier than a mistress that knows how to handle herself in the wrestling ring. A mistress is going to tell her slave to get down on the ground, because she is going to show him a few moves. The slave is going to find out what it is like to be defeated by a female wrestler. She is very demanding and she also knows how to use all of her mixed martial arts.