Fighting Girls

Powerful girls over-powering weak opponents

All articles tagged with "Wrestling"

Mistress Jennifer is a mixed martial arts instructor and gets guys interested in learning mixed martial arts all the time. Some of them want to impress her or prove that they are better than her. This guy was one of them. He tried to show her he knew it all but she wrestled him and humiliated him. She choked him with her choke hold, leg scissors and other mixed martial arts skills until he surrendered.

Lady Krasaviza was interested in learning martial arts. So she went online and found tutorials. She enjoyed learning them and after some time, she wanted to practice what she had learned. She took a walk in the neighborhood and came across the old mean guy in her neighborhood seated doing his stuff. She crept up on him and kicked him from his chair and he fell to the ground in a thud. She laughed and walked away.

Madame Marissa does not allow anyone to disrespect her. This guy did and what was worse did it intentionally. The mistress did not let him know that she planned to punish him for it. But she cornered him and beat him for what he had done. She trampled him and crushed him. She kicked him and used her leg to choke him against the wall as he begged for mercy, pleas which she ignored.

Mistresses Teodora, Maya and Sonny are bullies. They are hot mistresses and love having fun. But unknown to many, they like to use their looks to bully. They promised this guy fun and took him back to their house but instead of fun they gave him a lot of pain. They trampled him, crushed him and kicked him. They tried mixed wrestling techniques on him and had fun while he was experiencing a lot of pain.

Lady Betty is a cruel mistress and enjoys being cruel. She likes looking for trouble and when a guy messes with her, she takes advantage and beats him up. Today she was trampling this guy and kicking him. She even spat on his face and slapped him using her feet. The guy did not even try to fight back or shield himself from her blows for fear of upsetting her and making it worse.

Mistress Gaia is a foodie and today she came home famished. She ate what her new slave had prepared and it gave her a running stomach. It was also a bit bland but she had eaten it because of hunger. She was pissed off at having a running stomach and when she was done with it, she taught her slave a lesson. She made him learn how to cook properly but after kicking him, choking him and trampling his balls and using her mixed martial arts fighting skills on him.

Mistresses Edda and Judy love having fun and today they wanted to try wrestling. But they wanted to do it nude. So they bought baby oil and smeared it all over their bodies. When they were done, they started wrestling. It was a lot of fun as they struggled to hold each other through all the slipperiness. Besides being fun, it also turned them on since they found themselves touching each other in sensitive places.

Lady Kara does not like someone showing her disrespect. She had to show this guy that she would not tolerate that. She was in his store and she forced him into the backroom and she crushed him there. She beat him up and made him cry like a baby. She used her shoes to crush him and even kicked him in the nuts. He promised never to disrespect anyone ever again.

Madame Marissa came home seething from what she learned her slave had done. She could not forgive him and she had to chase him away. But before that, she taught him a lesson. She kicked him in the balls and kicked him in the stomach. She kicked his ribs as he was lying down and she crushed him with her bare feet. It was brutal and painful and it taught him the lessons he wanted to teach him.

Mistress Jennifer does not like bullies. She likes to teach them a lesson and today she found this guy bullying others. She could not stand it so she did something about it. She challenged him to a wrestling match and he laughed and dismissed her. But she surprised him with a choke hold. They wrestled but she leg scissored him as he broke free from the choke hold. She then used her martial arts skills and beat him up and embarrassed him greatly.

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